
Participating Agency Questionnaire

This information is required as background from organisations intending to access the RealMe verified identity. Access is restricted under the Electronic Identity Information Act 2012 to organisations listed in the Regulations. Those organisations listed are known as a ‘Participating Agency’. For an organisation not listed in the Regulations, the Department can make an application on behalf of the organisation to the Minister of Internal Affairs for Cabinet approval.


Is the organisation listed as a Participating Agency in the EIV Act 2012?
Besides full name and date of birth, is there a business requirement for place of birth and/or gender to also be provided?
Does the organisation have an established Privacy Policy or provisions in place to comply with the Privacy Act 2020?
Has the organisation been found in breach of the Privacy Act 1993/ Privacy Act 2020 within the past 5 years?
Do you consent to the Office of the Privacy Commission (OPC) releasing information to DIA to confirm the status of your compliance with the Privacy Act 2020?

DIA will only receive confirmation of privacy breaches that meet the threshold of a notifiable privacy breach (i.e., causing or likely to cause serious harm), and have either been upheld or not resolved.

As part of it's inquiries, the Department may need to reach out to external parties for information regarding compliance with regulatory regimes such as Anti-Money Laundering. This may include seeking information from relevant regulators, such as (but not limited to) the Financial Markets Authority, Charities Services or the Companies Office.

Do you consent to these checks if the Department consider them necessary?
Are you aware of any risks in authorising the organisation to use RealMe? e.g. has the organisation been, or is it currently the subject of investigation into the conduct of the organisation or its directors/partners/owners?