
Verified address data

The same overall set of elements is provided to organisations requesting verified address, although there are minor differences for a standard address or a rural delivery address. New Zealand Post provide the date that the address was verified so that organisations can apply their own business rules regarding currency of this data.

The objective of the current service is to provide proof of residential address by verifying the information provided in a one or two step process.

The first step involves checking the user's selected residential address against trusted online data sources. Information including name, date of birth and residential address is compared against multiple online data sources for a match. If found, the address is marked NZ Post verified and no further action is required.

If no match is found, a letter containing a unique code is sent to the recipient's residential address. Therefore, the address must be a physical location (i.e. not a PO Box), and it must be a location to which mail is delivered (i.e. typically not an office building).

The NZ Post verified address service does not contain a unique identifier, therefore a change in the value of a verified address element will be equivalent to receiving a new address.

XML format

Data table for XML

 JSON format

Data table for JSON

An example standard address in XML illustrated below:

<p:Party xmlns:a='urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xal:3' xmlns:p='urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xpil:3'>
<a:Address xmlns:a="urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xal:3" Type="NZStandard" Usage="Residential" DataQualityType="Valid" ValidFrom="30/07/2013">
<a:NameElement a:NameType="NZTownCity">Christchurch</a:NameElement>
<a:NameElement a:NameType="NZSuburb">Addington</a:NameElement>
<a:NameElement a:NameType="NZNumberStreet">20A Chatham Street</a:NameElement>
<a:Identifier Type="NZPostCode">8024</a:Identifier>

An example standard address in JSON is illustrated below:

{"street":"14 Pitt Avenue","suburb":"Clendon Park","city":"Auckland","postcode":"2103","country":"NZL","validFrom":"2021-01-20"}